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Container Loading Supervision

Container Loading Supervision

Product Details:


Product Description

A lot of things can go wrong when a shipment is loaded in acontainer, or during transport. A good solution is to send a technician toconduct a container loading inspection. For some urgent shipments, it isperformed in combination with a final random inspection. It usually takes placein the factory, when the products are loaded in a container(s), in theexporting country. Obviously, the whole shipment quantity should already befully packed. Here is a little sketch that shows the key dates to watchclosely. The inspector can arrive a little in advance, open a few cartons, andcheck if the products and the inner packing are conformed to what the buyer isexpecting. A quick look at the condition of export cartons is a must. Thecartons might be very soft because of the wet weather, or alreadycrushed/bulged, or not properly closed these are all red flags for the buyer.What will cartons look like after several weeks in a container, and a fewloadings or unloading in trucks and distribution centres, Other packingmaterials might be required by the buyer: pallets, plastic wrap, etc. And forsome large or fragile products, some dunnage (eg. inflatable bags, craft paper)might be necessary. Factories are always tempted to save a few pennies on suchaccessories, with potentially disastrous consequences. Container LoadingSupervision Service is otherwise called Container Loading Inspection (CLI/CLS).It guarantees that your completed products are managed precisely as they arestacked into containers and transported by ship to their final destination.This inspection is conducted in the same method that a payload is inspectedbefore loading into the container. Container Loading Inspections are usuallyconducted at the manufacturing lines distribution centre or the forwardersdistribution centre and are conducted after a Pre Shipment Inspection (PSIInspection). Our inspector monitors the stacking process, ensuring that thecorrect items and quantities are stacked, and reviewing the appropriatepackages and quality of the product. This is the last opportunity to confirmcompliance with your quantity, mix, and packaging requirements. That is why alarge number of co ordinations organizations collaborate with us on a long termperiod.

What are the benefits of the Container Loading Supervision?

As your goods will travel for several weeks to reach thefinal destination, a Container Loading Supervision in Indonesia will ensurethat the correct products/quantities are packed efficiently and that productsare not damaged during the loading process. In order to save time and money andto secure your imports, it is essential to witness who the potential faultwould come from: improper loading process due to manufacturer inattention orimproper container sent by freight forwarder.

What do we check during a Container Loading Supervision?

Ready quantity to be loaded and waiting in warehouse, Packinglist, Marking labels and packing material, Container conditions (leakage,smell, etc.), Process of loading (cartons conditions, filling up level ), Realquantities loaded into the container, Sealing of your container.

Product details 


ISO 17021

Goods Type


Inspection Method

Both Visual and Equipment Testing

Mode Of Report

Hard Copy, Soft Copy

Service Location

Pan India

Service Mode



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