Product Description
CIL Provides Accredited Animal Feed Inspection Services in Mumbai, Maharashtra India.The process by which high quality ingredients are made intohigh quality feeds involves three components within the feed mill, personnel,machinery and procedures. If quality is lacking in any of these threecomponents, the consistent production of high quality feeds is unlikely.However, it is equally important to ensure that personnel, machinery andprocedures are blended together toward the goal of efficient production of highquality feeds. Personnel. Three general characteristics should be sought in newmill employees productivity, interest or alertness and the ability to work as ateam member. Once hired, employees should be quickly and efficiently trained todo their jobs. This training should include not only what job to do, but whythe job is necessary. Employees should be informed initially and remindedperiodically how important their job is to the total effort.Once trained, thecompany saves money if employees are encouraged to stay with the company. Thismeans employees must be motivated either by the work or by the manager toremain on the job. Employee motivation is a difficult and complex affair. Infact, it is said that Dr. Albert Einstein once remarked to a psychologist thatunderstanding the theory of relativity was childs play in comparison tounderstanding people. Nonetheless, employee motivation is a reality faced byvirtually every person involved with feed mill management. While a multitude ofsuggestions could be made at this point, only one seems appropriate. Companycommitment to quality must be supported by everyone from top management down.Employees who do not follow the company policy on quality will tend toundermine the program. For example, put yourself in the feed mill employeesplace in this situation. As the ingredient unloader, you are instructed toexamine each load to determine if it meets company specifications. If thisemployee is given a hard time when he, she discovers what is believed to be adeficient load, what does this say to him, her about the companys commitment toquality, The feed mill employee who discovered a deficient ingredient should berecognized for a job well done. Machinery. Equipment selection, operation,repair and troubleshooting can become a very complicated matter, which cannotbe covered adequately in a short space. However, applying the following generalpoints to each specific piece of equipment will help reduce machinery problems,Application, Was the equipment designed to do the job it is doing, Installation,Was the equipment installed according to the manufacturers recommendations, Adjustment,Are the critical adjustment points within the machine set correctly, Operation,Is the machine being operated according to the manufacturers recommendations, Capacity,Is the equipment being run within the rated capacity, Lubrication, Is thecorrect amount of the proper lubricant used within the correct time frame inthe machine, Maintenance, Can you predict when maintenance and possible repairswill be needed on each piece of equipment, Do you have parts and tools to domaintenance and repairs, Procedures. Procedural difficulties are usually fairlyeasy to identify since problems will tend to repeat. However, every procedureinstituted should incorporate the following, Communication, Does the persondoing the procedure understand what is expected, If another person had to takeover this job would he, she understand, Identification, Are controls onequipment clearly identified, Are bagged ingredients clearly labelled andstored in an orderly manner, Traceability, Will this procedure allow you totrace problems to their source, Verification, Are samples being taken andstored that will allow you to verify the source of the problem, Records, Areall records being kept of use, If records are of no use or potential usediscontinue collection. Useful records should be stored in a clean, safe andaccessible place.